Brockville Crimes and Criminals: History Talk at the Brockville Museum
Join Community Program Coordinator Alice as she recounts some fascinating tales of Brockville’s crimes and criminals.
History Talks last about 45 minutes. Participants are encouraged to share their own stories and ask questions. $5/person (+HST). Includes tea.
New: Advance reservations are recommended as capacity is limited. If you would like to reserve your seat in advance, please contact the museum by phone (613-342-4397) or drop by during business hours. A non-refundable (unless canceled by the museum) payment of $5 + HST ($5.65) is required at time of booking. Credit card payment can be made over the phone. Reservations can only be made for the upcoming History Talk (for example, we will only accept reservations for the May History Talk after the April History Talk).