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Brockville Family Monopoly Tournament

Official Rules and Schedule
Date of Tournament: APRIL 20, 2024
Bethel Christian Reformed Church, Brockville, ON
Become a railroad tycoon. Own the premier properties. Build a hotel empire and bankrupt your rivals in the process. Come and compete at the 2024 Brockville Family Monopoly Tournament (BFMT) to benefit the Brockville Soccer Club Angel Fund.

The tournament will be held at the Bethel Christian Reformed Church in Brockville to help disadvantaged kids participate in minor soccer programs. Come have fun, and help a kid enjoy fun and fitness.
Registration with coffee and doughnuts starts at 8:00 AM, and game
play begins at 9 AM sharp on Saturday, April 20, 2024

This is a non-sanctioned, four-round tournament and we play by the official Monopoly Classic rules with some additional rules to speed play. There is one division and there is no age limit*. Lunch will be provided.
• There are cash prizes for the top four finishers: $250 for first, $125 for second, $75 for third, and $50 for fourth.
• Registration for adults is $25 in advance – to be done online at our RegFox account (plus additional $1.50 RegFox convenience fee.)
• Four-round tournament
• All rounds are 75 minutes in length.
• Players are seated by random draw.
• All players play the first two rounds.
• The top 16 players advance to the third, semi-final round.
• The 4 winners of the semi-final round advance to the final, championship round.
* There is no lower age limit, but each player is expected to play on his/her own. Young players
may not be coached or advised during game play.
• We play by the classic Monopoly rules that come with the box. You can view the rules online at In addition, please note these BFMT
tournament rules. Please pay particular attention to these three:
• Do not remind a property owner that rent is due if he or she does not notice. It is the
responsibility of the owner to demand rent when due. Freeloading, squatting—whatever
you want to call it—is a legitimate part of the game.
• You cannot bargain for future consideration, such as immunity from rent. Nor may you
bargain for incentives outside the scope of the game, e.g. You cannot offer to buy dinner
in exchange for a successful trade. Trade for cash and property only.
• Do not disparage other player’s dealings. We expect all contestants to play with respect and good sportsmanship.
• Keep your money on the table. You don’t have to disclose how much you have, but you
cannot hide your money.
• No conspiracies: You may not gang up on another player. Every player for his or her self.
• Trades that take place during a turn must involve the player whose turn it is.
e.g. Player A and Player B may not transact a trade in the middle of Player C’s turn which
may affect the outcome of Player C’s turn.
• Thrown dice must land on the board. A thrown die landing on the Chance or Community
Chest cards is legal if it is fully upright. A cocked die or a dice off the board—but only
the dice or die affected—must be thrown again.
• Players are not guaranteed an equal number of turns. At time limit, only the player whose
turn it is will complete his/her turn. If the dice have been passed before time is called,
then that player must complete his/her turn. In either case, the last player must complete
their turn, including any doubles rolls, pay all rents and/or fines, collect all salaries and/or
rewards as the game instructs.
• If two or more players want to buy houses during a “housing shortage”, the banker will
auction the houses one at a time.
• Once the Chance and Community Chest cards are shuffled and in place, their order may
not be changed even if one is accidentally revealed out of sequence.
• In any instance not covered here, a player may appeal to the banker for a ruling. If the
banker cannot satisfactorily resolve a controversy, appeal may then be made to the
tournament judge. The tournament judge will render each decision in the spirit of fair
play and good sportsmanship, and the judge’s decision will be final. Being mindful that
this event is a fundraiser for a good cause, each player agrees to adhere to both stated
rules and the judge’s decision.
None of these “house” rules will be used in tournament play:
• Getting money when you land of Free Parking – Free Parking is a space on which nothing
happens, there is no reward for landing on it.
• Not being allowed to buy anything until you pass GO for the first time – You may buy the
first property you land on whether or not you have passed GO. The rule will speed play in the timed rounds.
• Getting $400 for landing on GO – Whether you land on, or pass GO, you only get $200.
• You may not collect rent when in jail – You may conduct any and all business while in jail,
including building houses, collecting rent, and trading property.
• A property you land on but don’t want to buy stays in the bank – If you don’t want to buy
a property, it is immediately sold at auction to the highest bidder. The person who did
not buy it in the first place may still bid in the auction.
• Players will add up their total assets (Cash + Properties + Buildings) at the end of each round.
• Bankers at each table will verify totals.
• A player’s score for each round will be the percentage of the table’s total game assets rounded to the nearest tenth, without the decimal point. Here’s a real example from a 2021 Tournament:
o Charles won with $5,909 in total assets. John had $2,098, Anthony had $1,725, and Emily had $1,212.
o The total of the all assets at this particular game was $10,944.
o Charles’s percentage of the table’s assets is 53.993%, so his score would have been 540, BUT with the “win” bonus (explained below the table) his score was 790.
• Win bonus: A winner with more than 50% of the table’s assets, (a score of 500 or more) will receive a 250-point bonus. However, a player’s maximum score for any round will be capped at 1000.
A player who bankrupts all opponents at the table will receive no additional bonus.
• The 16 players with the highest aggregate score (Sum of scores in first two rounds) will advance to the semi-final round.
o Tie breakers to advance to the semi-final round and final round:
§ First tie breaker—game time: If two players are tied on score, the player winning in the shortest
amount of time will advance. So play fast!
§ Second tie breaker—total assets: If two players are tied on score and completion time is within
2 minutes (yes, really), then total assets from the round will be used as a tie breaker. So win big!
• The 4 winners from the semi-final round will advance to the championship table.
• $250 first prize
• $125 second prize
• $75 third prize
• $50 fourth prize
• 8:00 AM Registration, coffee, doughnuts (included with your registration fee).
• 8:50 AM Players must be seated.
• 9:00 AM Round 1 begins (75 Minutes)
*10:15 to 10:45 AM Ginger ale and Cookie Breaks, Silent Auction Table Perusal, Scoring and set up for round two.
• 10:45 AM Round 2 begins. (75 Minutes)
• 12 Noon Catered Lunch (Soup and Sandwiches)
• 1:00 PM Semi-final round begins.(75 Minutes)
*2:15 – 2:45 PM Ginger ale and Cookie Breaks, Silent Auction Table Perusal
• 2:45 PM Championship Round begins.
• 4:00 PM Tournament concludes. Prizes awarded, Silent auction table Winners Announced.
• $25 online registration and $30 on day of event.
• Event Chairman Mark Calder will serve as judge.
Additional Rules
• Participation will be capped at 64 players.
The MONOPOLY name and logo, the distinctive design of the game board, the four corner squares, the MR.MONOPOLY name and character, as well as each of the distinctive elements on the board and the playing pieces are trademarks of Hasbro, Inc. for its property trading game and game equipment. © 2012 Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved.


Apr 20 2024


8:00 am - 4:00 pm


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