Front of Yonge Paddle Poker Run
MALLORYTOWN, ONTARIO, July 26, 2023 – Get your paddles ready for a fun event on the beautiful waters of the St. Lawrence River! The Township of Front of Yonge is hosting the third annual Paddle Poker Run on Saturday September 16th 2023 at Brown’s Bay.
The Paddle Poker Run is an event that encourages people to get outside to celebrate and enjoy the St. Lawrence River. All river-appropriate paddle craft are welcome (kayak, canoe, etc.) This is not a race, but a fun paddle that all ages and abilities can enjoy. Each paddler will follow a route beginning at Brown’s Bay that includes at least five stops or check points where they will draw a playing card. After the paddle, there will be prizes for the best poker hand. There will be routes set up for beginners and for experienced paddlers ranging from 5km to 10km. Cost to register is $15 per individual or $35 for a family/group. Inclement weather “rain” date September 17th.
Registration is limited, so please register online today at https://mallorytown.ca/paddle-poker-run-2/
• Participants must bring their own river-appropriate paddlecraft and register online prior to the event.
• Participants must follow Transport Canada Regulations on operating human-powered craft including wearing a Personal Floatation Device (PFD)
• For more information, like us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/FOYPaddlePokerRun
• The organizing committee would like to acknowledge the support of the St. Lawrence Parks Commission in providing the venue for this event.
Brown’s Bay Park
1259 – 1000 Islands Parkway
Mallorytown, Ontario K0E1R0