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Growing Stronger – FREE Seniors Gardening & Education Day

Join us for a community event designed to encourage healthy lifestyles.

Loaves and Fishes, a local non-profit organization, is excited to announce the
launch of the Community ENGAGement Program, made possible by funding from the Government of
Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program. This program is designed to promote healthy living,
community engagement, and food security among seniors through a combination of an education day
and a follow-up program that includes bi-weekly encouragement calls.
The education day, titled Growing Stronger-Seniors gardening and education seminar, will take place on
May 11th at The Royal Canadian Legion, 180 Park St. Brockville. The day will be filled with food
stretching ideas, nutrition, wellness and mobility tips to encourage healthy lifestyles, expert guest
speakers, community resources, and small space gardening exploration. Participation in the Growing
Stronger Day provides the benefit of a 3-course hot lunch, healthy morning and afternoon snacks, a
community resource package, and a free container gardening kit.

For those unable to attend the in-person event, the Community ENGAGement Program offers online
video resources and bi-weekly encouragement calls to connect participants and provide food sharing
opportunities, information about interactive activities, and a willing ear. 100 gardening kits will be
available to distant learners through pick-up days/sites and delivery.


May 11 2023


9:00 am