Shop The Street
SHOP the STREET is an initiative brought to you by Downtown Brockville. On set dates throughout the summer, King St. is closed and transformed into a giant sidewalk attracting tourists and locals alike. Downtown businesses are encouraged to put their merchandise on the sidewalk to show off what they’ve got, in an outdoor setting. Shop the street is about bringing people back Downtown and helping our local shops and restaurants recuperate sales that they’ve lost.
Saturday, August 27th, 2022
The Focus: Community Sustainability, we will be unveiling the different districts along King Street that were selected and voted on in 2020!
Featuring: Brockville Pride, 50 + Club, The Volunteer Centre of St Lawrence – Rideau, Municipal Drug Strategy, Big Brothers Big Sisters and the Brockville & Area Food Bank, we look forward to welcoming the Horticulture Society and Brockville Culture Days for some community projects!