Solar Eclipse Once-in-a-Lifetime-Event!
A once in a lifetime event is happening on April 8, 2024. The moon will pass between the Earth and the sun, casting an extraordinary shadow onto the planet below!
Witnessing the solar eclipse in Brockville will be a truly unique experience as we’re in the path of totality where the sun will be completely covered for a period of time!
A community viewing event will be held at Blockhouse Island with vendors, food trucks, music, buskers and so much more!
Schedule of Events:
- 11:00 am: Blockhouse Island opens, vendors and on site activities begin
- 12:15 pm: Opening ceremonies in the Railway Tunnel Plaza featuring Matt Wren, Mayor of Brockville, Thomas Harder, Executive Director of the Aquatarium, and Colonel Jacula of The Royal Canadian Air Force
- 12:30 pm to12:50 pm: The Royal Canadian Air Force Pipes and Drums performance
- 1:00 pm: Photos with mascot “Astra” at The Royal Canadian Air Force display
- 2:00 pm to 2:30 pm: The Royal Canadian Air Force Pipes and Drums
- 2:10 pm: Eclipse begins over Brockville
- 3:24 pm: Eclipse Totality over Brockville (to last 2 minutes and 47 seconds)
- 4:00 pm to 4:30 pm: The Royal Canadian Air Force Pipes and Drums in the Railway Tunnel Plaza
- 4:35 pm: Eclipse ends
- 5:00 pm: Vendors and activities close