St. John’s United Church Holiday Food and Craft Festival
St. John’s United Church Holiday Food and Craft Festival
Saturday, November 27th, 2021 / 9:00am-2:00pm
St. John’s United Church Hall – 32 Park Street; King Street Lower Entrance
The St. John’s Holiday Food and Craft Festival is an annual fundraiser for the church that features a HUGE bake table, take-away lunch (soup, sandwich and dessert for $10), crafts by local artisans (including pottery, tie dyed apparel, wood turned bowls, knitted clothing, embroidered treasures, seasonal treats & gifts), raffle tables and “New-To-You” tables. It is the ideal place to pick up some Christmas baking, gifts and stocking stuffers!
Participants must show proof of double vaccination, along with photo identity. Masks will be worn while in the Church Hall. Capacity of the Hall will be limited
Contact email and phone: cjane.dargie@bell.net 613.345. 0027