St. Lawrence Shakespeare Festival
The St. Lawrence Shakespeare Festival on Prescott’s waterfront is welcoming Patrick Barlow’s wildly successful adaptation of John Buchan’s The 39 Steps.
This fast-paced comedic adventure opens on Saturday, July 30th and runs until Saturday, August 13th. It will be directed by returning festival favourite Zach Counsil.
Tickets are $33 + HST for adults and $23 + HST for students. Monday performances are $28 + HST. Children 14 and under are free when accompanied by an adult.
Ticket can be purchased through the website at www.stlawrenceshakespeare.ca
Contact: Ingrid Bjornson: gm@stlawrenceshakespeare.ca
Richard Sheridan Willis: ad@stlawrenceshakespeare.ca
Tel: 613 928 5788
101 Water Street West
Kinsmen Amphitheatre
Prescott, Ontario K0E 1T0