Summer Stroll for Sjögren’s on World Sjögren’s Day
Help celebrate the birthdate of Dr. Henrik Sjögren, the Swedish ophthalmologist who first recognized the autoimmune disease that now bears his name. Sjögren’s (pronounced SHOW-grins) affects over 430,000 Canadians, 90% of whom are women. It frequently goes unrecognized, is mis-diagnosed, and is considered invisible since the patients “look fine”. Do you suffer from dry eyes, dry mouth, joint pain, and/or excessive fatigue, or any of the other 60 symptoms? Then you could have Sjögren’s, the second most common autoimmune disease after Rheumatoid Arthritis.
To celebrate World Sjögren’s Day, walk at your own pace through Canada’s oldest railway tunnel then around Block House Island. The goal is to increase awareness of Sjögren’s. Bring a team, all ages are welcomed, and raise funds for the Sjögren’s Society of Canada.
Please join us for Brockville’s First Annual Summer Stroll for Sjögren’s. Expert speakers, door prizes, and fun for all!