RTO 9 – South Eastern Ontario has partnered with Attractions Ontario this year to help educate the local market and the rest of province on all Region 9 has to offer locals and visiting friends and relatives. RTO 9 – South Eastern Ontario has purchased a 2-page spread that will amplify all of our partner ads and really make our region stand out. We will also have an exclusive regional cover which will be used in market and will add even more awareness to what we all collectively offer. An influencer visit has also been included in the partnership which will be a great way to showcase how safe our region is for locals and visitors alike.
Attractions Ontario in 2020 focused even more on in market distribution and added a digital distribution channel to reach consumers before they leave their home. They saw a 98.6% pick up of the print copies and a 77% open rate which was both well above what was expected during Covid. This year Attractions Ontario has partnered with Metro grocery chains to have an even larger digital distribution channel as it will be going to all their employees. This will greatly increase local awareness. Publications also run throughout the year so the value will be seen well into 2022.
Attractions Ontario has reduced rates by 25% and are offering free coupons with any ad buy.
Please reach out to Phil Casey at phil@attractionsontario.ca for any questions you may have on this program and to book your space.