Explore Downtown Brockville While Social Distancing

It’s a difficult time for all of us right now. While all of us exercise social distancing in the coming days and weeks, we know that making sure you get outside is still important. Together with the Downtown Brockville Business Improvement Area, Brockville Tourism has developed a fun addition to your outdoor time, for both the young and the young at heart.

Downtown Brockville Easter Egg Hunt

From now until April 13th, you can explore downtown Brockville businesses from a safe distance and take part in a scavenger hunt! Businesses in the downtown core (North to South: James St – St. Lawrence River East to West: Orchard St – Gilmour St) have posted easter egg posters like the one below:

Easter Egg Hunt Sample Poster

What you will need to do is fill out this form with the name of the location of the egg. Then, describe the egg in the window. Once you’ve filled in as much as you can, scan or take a photo of your completed form and send it in to info@downtownbrockville.com by April 13th. You will then be entered for a draw for a $25 Downtown Brockville gift certificate!

Easter Egg Design Contest

Want another opportunity to enter? Not a problem – you can enter through our Easter Egg Design contest! We want to see your best Easter Egg designs. Even better if they have a bit of Brockville flavour to them as well!

Print out the image above, or download the pdf file here, and design your egg. Then, share it on social media using both the hashtags on the poster. You can share it through Twitter, Instagram, or our Facebook Pages wall.

Brockville Tourism:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BrockvilleTourism/
Twitter and Instagram: @BrockvilleTour

Downtown Brockville:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/downtownbrockville/
Twitter: @dt_brockville
Instagram: @downtownbrockville

If you are looking for an extra entry, make sure you mention where you would spend your gift certificate! You have until April 13th to enter.

Now is a very confusing time for many of us. If you have the means to do so, please continue to support your local restaurants that remain open for take out and delivery. When this time of social distancing is over, we want to be sure all our favourite businesses are there with us.